Modern Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Our original concept was to construct the authoritative reference on the current management of abnormal uterine bleeding. Divided into subsections to make resourcing easier, it would be carefully crafted to provide a complete up-to-date overview of this common concern. Chapters were to be designed to discuss pathophysiology, diagnosis, the myriad of treatment options, as well as future research. Contributing authors selection was to be rigorous, as it would be based on an international reputation, recognized expertise in the field, and their appreciation for the clinical arena. Their task at hand was to incorporate current medical practice, with evidence in literature, and the latest research to create a relevant discourse.
The resultant Modern Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding is a unique and valuable resource for medical students, housestaff undergoing training in gynecology, as well as physicians currently in practice. Ultimately, it is our desire that this treatise will challenge all those involved in the treatment of the female with abnormal uterine bleeding to provide a holistic, state-of-the-art, evidence based approach to her care. 

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