Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (HPIM) has long
been a major source of information related to the practice of medicine for many practitioners and trainees.Yet
in its aim to cover the broad spectrum of medicine, the
book has become nearly 3000 pages in length and is
pushing the envelope of “portability.” HPIM has
spawned several offspring tailored to diverse uses for
sources of medical information.The entire book plus a
large cache of supplemental visual and textual information is available as Harrison’s Online, a component of
McGraw-Hill’s Access Medicine offering. A condensed
version of HPIM, called Harrison’s Manual of Medicine,
has been published in print format suitable for carrying
in a white coat pocket and in several electronic formats
(PDA, Blackberry, iPhone). A companion to HPIM that
serves as a study guide for standardized tests in medicine,
HPIM Self-Assessment and Board Review, is an effective
teaching tool that highlights important areas of medicine discussed in HPIM. Harrison’s Practice is another
electronic information source, organized by medical
topic or diagnosis with information presented in a consistent structured format for ease of finding specific
information to facilitate clinical care and decision-making
at the bedside. All of these products retain the broad
spectrum of topics presented in the HPIM “mother
book” in variable degrees of depth.
Download here: Harrison's Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Download here: Harrison's Gastroenterology and Hepatology
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