Neonatal Emergency

The delivery of emergency care to infants and children remains both a challenge and a privilege. It can be one of the most humbling yet rewarding experiences for the emergency health care provider. This text was developed to assist our colleagues in the evaluation and treatment of children of a young age. The gen- esis of this text arose from both clinical expe- rience and an obvious need within the practice of emergency medicine for a greater emphasis to be placed on these high risk infants. At such young developmental and chronological ages, these patients present with a miriad of undif- ferentiated complaints. Their histories may be short but the complexity of their problems

may indeed be quite complex. The goal of this text is to guide the provider in a systematic approach to any and all problems within this fragile population.

The text is divided into sections based on organ systems. There will be much cross- over within each section, only highlighting the commonalty of complaint that can result from a multitude of disparate medical problems. We are hopeful that our readers find it to be a useful tool in addressing the needs of the very young infant. 

Download here: Neonatal Emergency

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