Current Essential ORTHOPEDICS

Current Essentials: Orthopedics is a new volume in the Lange Current series format. This book is strictly intended to provide only the essential points that clinicians need for diagnosis and initiation of treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. For the nonorthopedist as well as the highly specialized orthopedic surgeon, Current Essentials: Orthopedics is a particularly useful guide to the appropriate care of patients with the many musculoskeletal problems that are commonly seen in the on-call setting. This book not only enables the reader to obtain the necessary information for a diagnosis quickly, but also makes the clinician aware of the various aspects of treatment that might compromise the end result.
We feel that this book will be helpful to orthopedic residents, as well as residents in other specialties, such as family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, and general surgery, during their residencies or while “moonlighting”. We think that the Pearls and references will be helpful to medical students during their orthopedic rotation or their general medical clinics. Lastly, we think that the book will be useful to the practicing physician in a number of the above specialties, especially since we have included ICD-9-CM codes for coding and billing.
The organization of this book is based on its sister book, Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Orthopedics. Use of the index is probably the best way to find a specific topic. The index has been organized to include the common name for a disorder as well as the more technical name. For example, tennis elbow is listed both under tennis elbow and under lateral epicondylitis. Furthermore, to help with differential diagnoses, tennis elbow will also refer you to medial epicondylitis, or golfer’s elbow. Finger fracture is listed under phalangeal fracture, and so forth. 

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