Clinical Allergy Diagnosis and Management

The purpose of this book is to provide a practical clinical overview for the com- mon disorders encountered in the specialty of allergy. Allergic diseases affect nearly one-fourth of the population and cause or contribute to significant chronic illness. Because allergic diseases are so common, they are seen by a wide variety of health care providers. With this in mind, Clinical Allergy: Diagnosis and Management has been designed to be easily readable and to provide clinically applicable information for both the nonallergist and the allergist. The text is not encyclopedic. Instead, the intent is to unravel the mystery of allergy and to provide a logical framework for the evaluation and management of allergic disorders. The introductory chapters focus on the human immune response, environmental allergens, and the different types of allergy testing. The subsequent chapters focus on the common allergic conditions seen in the office or clinic, including rhinitis and rhinosinusitis, allergic eye disease, asthma, urticaria and angioedema, atopic and contact dermatitis, drug allergy, food allergy, anaphylaxis, and stinging insect allergy. “Cross-talk” between chapters helps show the interrelationships among the various allergic disorders. The chapters begin with a review of pathophysiologic mechanisms and then consider a clinically structured approach to diagnosis and management of the disorders. In addition to pharmacologic treatment, the importance of nonpharmacologic management and patient education is emphasized. The primary clinical pearls of daily clinical management of the allergic patient are highlighted by the clinical vignettes at the end of each chapter. 

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