Atlas of Neoplastic Pulmonary Disease

The diagnosis of lung cancer and benign pulmonary tumors can be challenging. This diagnosis can be facil- itated by the study of images that allow recognition of patterns of disease, both at the clinical and pathologic levels. Conceptually defined, atlases are specialized books that rely heavily upon images to illustrate any subject mat- ter. Fitting with such a concept, this atlas was developed to fill a void in the approach to diagnosis. In contrast to previous conventional atlases, this atlas is unique in that images from four major disciplines (endoscopy, radiology, histopathology, and cytopathology) involved in the study and diagnosis of lung tumors are brought together in a single volume.
In preparing this work, we had two objectives: (1) to illustrate the common while not ignoring the esoteric by recognizing the need to cover some entities that may only infrequently cross the paths of the practitioner; and (2) to provide a quick, reliable tool that may facilitate diagnosis through recognition of images using an interdisciplinary approach. To achieve these aims, we have selected and
put forward images that in our opinion best represent the tumor entities. In some instances, we have recruited the collaboration and materials from other workers in the field.
The atlas is organized into 11 parts containing 41 chapters, closely following the 2004 Classification of Lung Tumors by the World Health Organization (WHO). Accordingly, the chapters represent a wide range of neo- plastic lung entities. It begins with tumors of children followed by sections on benign epithelial tumors, salivary gland tumors, mesenchymal neoplasms, lymphoprolif- erative disorders, cardcinoid tumors, and a section of miscellaneous tumors. The atlas further includes a chapter on WHO-recognized variants of pre-invasive lung dis- ease, major epithelial malignancies, and concludes with a chapter on metastatic lung tumors.
We hope and believe that our efforts during the prepa- ration of this atlas have resulted in a useful, state-of-the- art work that will educate trainees and guide and support the best efforts of practitioners managing lung tumors. 

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